Exactly ! But if you think it’s a navel-gazing blog, think again !
There are learnings on the yoga mat that will irrefutably assist your business discover its rightful place and flourish!
I hear your “How” !
Well, many think the motive of yoga is to become more flexible, fit and toned. But the actual reasons that yoga started, and why it continues to be so favoured today, is its unique potential to guide people back to their true self, their essence.
And it wouldn’t be wrong to say the statement stands true in the context of Inbound Marketing also ! Ain’t that what Inbound Marketing also preaches ?

But, if you seem to have a disconnect here and doubt this testimony, I suggest you take a look at an ocean of articles being shared on social media platforms by marketing pros, various conferences and events being held throughout the year, and the twitter brimming with #tweetchats of CMOs and professionals across the world. Everything and everyone in this arena is stepping up in the game to communicate the uniqueness they possess.
However, the success comes when you strive to align the soul of your brand with your marketing activities (as in the case of yoga) and gain what you like to call it as your USP or a 24-carat nugget that adds value to you.
Another important parallel between Yoga and Marketing, that I feel compelled to reflect upon is that –
“Both involve peeling back the layers to reveal their true good self”
Whilst the objective is same in both the worlds of yoga and marketing, the process is different.
The approach is to let go of your “selfish self” and the perpetual mind chatter so as to hear the true voice of your soul. Just like Inbound Marketing, which says:
“Appealing to your persona begins and ends with listening to them”.
The idea is to tap into the core of your persona, know their pain points and its relief, rather than imposing yourself on their unrelated needs.
And when you discover the core, it is from this point from where the real connections between a brand and consumer takes place.
Lastly, even if you’ve earned your 24-carat nugget, it is still imperative to keep it sparkling and groom it regularly. And nobody tells you that better than the “Inbound Marketing Karm Yogi”.
Did you ask, “What is that?” Well, after drawing similarities between Yoga & Inbound Marketing, we derived some amazing 12 takeaways that will help you become Inbound Marketing Karm Yogi ! One lesson for each Surya Namaskara Pose to help you find or revamp your essence.
In this eBook, you’ll discover:
- 12 awesome Inbound Marketing Lessons, Surya Namaskara style.
- Impactful learnings driven by Surya Namaskara principles.
- Ways to Revamp your marketing efforts.
One key learning here is, everyone reacts differently after having discovered their core. As a result, your messaging and communication with the outer world becomes authentically different and consequently, it reverts back to you differently. So, train to get better at all the good things you already do.
Hop on to the yoga mat below. Get Ready, Set and Practice !