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Four Positions Businesses take on Social Media Marketing

Businesses owing to their nature have taken different positions on the business utility of Social Media Marketing. Where is your Business?

Social Media Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Blogging, SEO – doesn’t all this sound familiar? These unending buzzwords, hundreds of social media tools and new ones being added everyday have understandably left businesses overwhelmed. Isn’t it?

Where is your Business today with respect to Social Media Marketing?Social Media Marketing – Is your Business a “Superstar” or a “Newbie”?

Your Business could be in one of the following four categories with respect to an Internet and Social Media Marketing Plan.

Millions of Facebook Fans, thousands of Twitter followers, thriving community engagement, but the Top Management is still wondering how all this adds up in terms of Business ROI !


Once bitten, Twice Shy
Given the frenzy around Social Media Marketing Services, your business jumped into the party only to survive with a hangover. An orphan Facebook Page with barely little engagement and a website with hygiene traffic is all that is left. You are now wondering about the Next Step !

You are keen to make a splash, but there is Top Management pressure to prepare a business case for any investment into Social Media Marketing Services and Internet Marketing initiatives. What will be the ROI of taking on Social Media Marketing.

No Thank You
All this is not for you, you are happy with “Business as Usual”.

Whatever your position, there does exist a Solid Business Case linked to Sales, Customers and B2C B2B Lead Generation. The question really is – Will your Business work towards it? Because, while Social Media Marketing is apparently FREE, its leverage requires a systematic investment of time and effort.

What position has your Business taken on Social Media Marketing? Is it a position that is different from what we have documented? Please tell us.

Team Znbound
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