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Must have team requirement for Facebook lead generation ads

Are running Facebook Lead Generation campaigns a Team Effort?This is the question that my friends usually ask me whenever I tell them about my experience about Facebook lead generation ads.

And my answer is always Yes.

At Znbound, as part of our inbound marketing services for clients, Facebook is one of the primary sources of lead generation, especially when it comes to the consumer space.

To run your campaign efficiently and effectively you need a good team.

Then everyone asks me this second question – Who all are required in this team and what are their roles?

Here is my answer.

You need strength of 4 experts.

  1. Campaign Planner
  2. Graphic Designer
  3. Campaign Manager
  4. Campaign Analyst

And each expert has an important role to play in the process of Facebook ads.

Let me start step by step

Campaign Planner

To implement a process you first of all need to make a plan for it. Campaign planner plays the same important role. Campaign planner plans that what ad should we show, what type of content should be used, or to whom should we show this ad, will this be Bofu, Mofu or Tofu campaign, what will be the duration of the campaign, what are the goals of campaign e.g. number of leads to be generated, is everything in proportion to pitch our Buyer Persona.

She makes the whole plan from starting to the end.

Last but not the least she will be the only member who will coordinate with everyone in the team to make this campaign successful.

Campaign planner is the primary brick to start making a wall.

Graphic Designer

Once the campaign planner has made all the plans. She will now go to a graphic designer to express her idea and aim of making this creative. Graphic designer will use his creative skills to bring this creative idea into a live creative.

The Graphic Designer has the ability to intelligently express the ideas of campaign manager in a creative.

It’s the creative that first attracts the attention of a Buyer Persona. Creative plays a great role in the performance of your Facebook ad.

So if you looking for the best performance of your Facebook ads campaign then you need to have one of best Graphic designers in the world.

They have the power to give life to your thoughts and Ideas.

Campaign Manager

Once creative and plans are ready for ad campaign then comes the role of campaign manager.

Campaign planner communicates her plans of running a Facebook campaign to Campaign manager. Campaign manager’s main function is to execute and manage the campaign. Execution of campaign requires her to set a budget, scheduling, and targeting of a campaign and therefore she follows the whole technical process required to execute and manage the campaign. She acts as the Pilot of the Facebook ads campaign.

Campaign Analyst

After the whole campaign has ended then comes the role of Campaign Analyst. The Campaign Analyst role is to extract the whole data from Facebook and then analyze the campaign. She has to figure out how the campaign went and was it successful or not??After the analysis, she gets back to campaign planner to give him a brief on the performance of the campaign. So that campaign planner can create future campaigns basis on the previous ads performances.

All of them have an important role to play in the successful execution of Facebook lead gen ads campaign.

If you are looking to run Facebook lead generation ads in future make sure you have the whole team then only you will be able to achieve your lead generation goal.

Team Znbound
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