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Principles of Mobile Web Design

Nowadays, the majority of users visit online platforms by using mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. In case you missed it, we now live in a mobile-dominant world.

Google reported that 52% of search traffic and almost half of shopping traffic comes from mobile devices and according to a survey conducted by Adobe reported that about 50 percent of marketers do not have their websites optimized for mobile devices.

Nearly half of marketers don’t have their websites optimized for mobile, despite the increase in search traffic and the effect on rankings and it is a possibility to lose prospect clients and even get out of the business.

People’s patience for an unmanageable and clumsy mobile site or app is decreasing. They expect to move through a brand’s mobile experience at lightning speed. There are a few simple steps marketers can take to eliminate speed bumps and ensure every customer’s need for speed is met.

See the Pen Principles of Mobile Web Design by Rahul Rathi (@rhulrathee) on CodePen.

Make Menus Simple and Clean

It is better to use simple, obvious and terms in the menu that is easy to figure out than to keep to industry-only terms for your navigation menu. Any link that takes users more than a second or two to figure out is probably unsuitable for use. If a user needs to click on a link to figure out what the link leads to then this will contribute to a bad user experience for your User. So, keep your menu Simple and Clean.

Minimize navigation options

See the Pen Mobile Navigation by Rahul Rathi (@rhulrathee) on CodePen.

The content that you include in front and center of your page needs to be chosen keenly. If you want to make the site a mobile-friendly one, limit the number of options, clicks, and menu layers.

Catch Your User Eye with CTA

See the Pen Material Inspired Panel by Rahul Rathi (@rhulrathee) on CodePen.

Keep the CTA in front and center. Calls-to-action ( CTA) is an essential part of any web design, but they play an especially important role on mobile. Since mobile users typically have more of an idea of what they’re looking for when they come to your site.

Make it easy to get back to the home page

Users expect to go back to the homepage when they tap the logo in the top-left of a mobile page, and they become frustrated when it isn’t available or doesn’t work.

Use relevant, update and popular content

Prepare the content that most user will likely search for when they visit your website and place it in front and center of your page layout. Verify that the content is not only readable but also easy to find. Unless, your user will just whisk off to other websites, which are comfortable to navigate using mobile devices.

Design for Touch

This is actually more Important: Making sure buttons are big enough and spaced far enough apart that anyone, even someone with fat fingers, can navigate with ease. The average finger needs at least 48 pixels in both dimensions for a good touch experience; anything smaller and user experience suffers. You need to design your mobile website around the common actions and motions mobile device users naturally use.

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