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A 60 second On Page SEO Checklist video

Would it not be wonderful if you could get on top of On Page SEO (most basic part of search engine optimisation) in just 60 seconds?

I show you how. For most, On Page SEO is their first learning as bloggers, it wasnt any different for us. Despite being an easy process not many get it completely right and keep working on Off Page Optimisation when small improvements in On Page can work wonders in the SERP.

Team Znbound decided to build a comprehensive On Page SEO checklist for perfect optimisation and remove any kind of ambiguity by presenting it through a video in 60 seconds.

Just follow these steps and optimise your blog post perfectly. We are open to suggestions and further improvements, do let us know if there are any 🙂


Rajagopalan Chandrashekar
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