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Monopolistic Inbound Marketing

If you paid attention in Economics at school, this should be easy.

Let me explain, nevertheless.

Have you planned for lunch today? Assuming you intend to have lunch outside, you have many options.

  • Order food using many of the food-tech apps.
  • Go to a fine-dining restaurant or a cafe or the nearest fast-food joint.
  • Or junk the above, and cook your own food.

But what if you need to travel from New Delhi to London?

Yeah, you may say, I could travel Virgin Atlantic or Air India or British Airways or Jet Airways. I understand. Which airport would you choose from Delhi?

Dumb question, right?

A choice doesn’t exist. You may choose an airline, but you may not be able to choose your airport. So, if you still intend to travel from New Delhi to London, you have to leave only from the Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi.

Thus, the New Delhi Airport is the sole provider of an essential service, with zero competition. This monopolistic or near-monopolistic nature, lends infrastructure assets (like the New Delhi Airport) formidable strategic competitive advantage. No wonder, infrastructure assets like Airports are a prized asset class for investors and funds.

What does this all have to do with inbound marketing?

Well, theoretically, businesses can build airports with inbound marketing. Almost !!!

By becoming a ‘brand’, that is. So that when your market thinks of a product or a service, it is your brand, always. Remember Xerox. Till that happens, your market will naturally approach search engines to make decisions. And that is when Inbound Marketing will kick in.

If you are our regular blog reader, you might have read and seen how we generate predictable traffic for our clients. By ranking on top for organic search rankings. Here is the article for a quick reference. Achieving the top position in Keyword Search Rankings is akin to owning an Airport. It brings businesses predictable traffic and revenue. It is your ‘digital asset’ that brings,

  • Access to predictable returns: 90% of Znbound’s leads come from Organic Search every month. Month after month, it is a ‘fairly’ regular number of leads that we are able to generate from certain high-ranking keywords.
  • Long-life: For some specific commercial keywords like ‘inbound marketing India‘ and ‘HubSpot India’, the Znbound website has been ranking on top consistently for the last two years.

Sounds monopolistic, doesn’t it?

Till another inbound marketer, with radical ideas comes into the game.

Rajagopalan Chandrashekar
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