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When inbound marketing leads unsubscribe

I love inbound marketing leads. Do you?It is a wonderful feeling when a prospect reaches out to you. Isn’t it?They would have, out of love or necessity, filled out a form on your website and given out all details. Details – they would only share with trusted ones. They have expressed their desire to bond with you.Now they are on your mailing list. They start receiving receiving your handcraft newsletters. Sometimes they open. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they even click.Then one fine day. They “unsubscribe”.I am sure you know that feeling.It is a mix of sadness and doubt. At times, it also questions what you are doing everyday – your very existence.But, once you read this short write-up, I am sure you will feel better, much better.

Taking Unsubscribes too seriously

All of us are guilty of this.Some of us inbound marketing experts, have also gone one step ahead and assigned ‘huge’ negative lead scoring metrics to leads who have ‘unsubscribed’. Thus, ensuring that none of these ‘unsubscribed’ leads stand a chance in the marketing and sales funnel. You may want to reconsider that huge negative score that has been slapped on leads who ‘unsubscribe’. If you doubt this suggestion, please give those leads a call. You will know.This aspect of lead scoring will have to be a brand new blog. Would you like to team up with me, to write on “lead scoring”?

Why Inbound Marketing leads ‘Unsubscribe’?

Inbound Mantra has been sending newsletters regularly since 2012, as part of its inbound marketing efforts. This is what we have learnt.

  • Some of our customers have ‘unsubscribed’.
  • Not everybody signed up. This has definitely been the case in the following situations:
  • Contacts you met recently
  • Contacts who just downloaded FREE content from your website
  • Contacts who just emailed you
  • Friends 🙂
  • Some don’t need your content. These are some of your best leads. These contacts are well versed with their trade and deliverable. They really know what they want. And if that is not provided by your content, ‘unsubscribe’ happens. Is that an indication that they do not want to do business with you? That is a tough call.
  • Inbox zero ‘fanatics’ will ruthlessly ‘unsubscribe’.
  • We are still finding more reasons…

Did you find this useful?If not, please unsubscribe 🙂

Inbound Marketing Myths
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