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Inbound Marketing – Jack of all, Master of all

As a kid I loved trying out new things, be it folk dancing, learning the guitar, making spaghetti out of potatoes (tastes delicious by the way) or just experiments in the lab. I was always intrigued by what went on around me and that led me to participating in every activity there was in school. Safe to say, I learnt the art of juggling multiple things pretty early on in life. Little did I know, it’ll be what helps me the most almost a decade later.

I’ve always had to move around a lot due to my dad being in the Navy and it was nice because it gave me a different perspective and taught me to really adapt, one of the most important life skills.

As adults we’ve already probably figured it out by now, but just to reiterate, life is going to be a roller coaster in its truest sense. I say roller coaster not because of the cliched “ups and downs” but because of how unexpected those ups and downs are and to emphasize, that the only way to get through them is to adapt.

After finishing high school I left India to go to the United States for my bachelors degree. I was excited while at the same time nervous, like most 17 year olds would be. To summarize the next few years : “Growth”. While I didn’t realize it at the time, but my time in the states really helped me figure myself and life out.

Super cliched but super true: the key to real growth is real struggle. It’s like when you’re trying to figure out something on excel, you have the choice of googling it and getting your answer right away or struggling for an additional 30 minutes and learning so much more. As enticing as the former option sounds, trust me try the latter next time.

Not only does it help you learn x 10, but also alters the way you’d approach the problem next time. Fast forward five years and I decided to come back to India. While I didn’t have an exact plan when I returned, my goal was to have a learning curve that’s constantly growing. I was actually surprised at the lack of opportunities available when it came to trying to actually make a difference and learn.

In spite of an engineering background, it’s the non engineering opportunities focused on AI, Robotics, Inbound Marketing that were attracting me the most. After all, as you’d realize eventually, they are pretty much the future. That’s when I came across Znbound. I found the opportunity particularly exciting because it seemed like an amazing place to learn, oh and also because I absolutely loved how vast their blogging scope was. It gets even better.

After my first interaction with Znbound over the phone I was given an assignment that really challenged me. This was followed by two more assignments that got me researching, calculating, analyzing and so much more all at once!

Never had I learnt so much during an interview process, so I could only imagine how much more I’d learn once I actually started working. Needless to say, when I did end up getting the job, I was eager, more than anything else.

Eager to see all that Znbound had in store for me, eager to see what it was going into a field I knew absolutely nothing about, eager to learn, to create, to understand to be my best and get better.I spent my very first day actually creating and applying myself as opposed to reading a bunch of documents like I’d done in the past. It was a fresh breath of air.

Every single day I’ve spent at work so far has kept my brain’s wheels turning every second and that is absolutely thrilling. Remember the juggling and adaptability I was speaking about? Well my first two weeks at Znbound constituted a fair share of both.

It was amazing to actually be responsible for more than just one particular aspect of a role and to be accountable and autonomous. Content, context, HubSpot, SEO, client delivery, blogging, buyer personas, keywords – that’s just the first two weeks!!

Two certifications, did I mention? What drives me the most when I’m working on something is actually making a difference (results!!) and learning while I do that and I couldn’t be happier to say that every single opportunity

I have had so far at Znbound has allowed me to do just that. Cherry on the cake, I absolutely love what I’m doing!Up next on the blog : Potato Spaghetti recipe.


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