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How many Inbound Marketers in the world?

If you go by LinkedIn, the number of inbound marketers in the world is at 593,000. If we further categorize the data by,

  • Country
  • Gender
  • Age group

we find some interesting things. And we put all that into one very easily consumable infographic. Would you like to check it out?If you are a regular on our blog, you may be aware that we are recruiting full steam.

So, out of curiosity, we thought about investigating the size of the inbound marketing experts community in the worldIt was only natural to turn to LinkedIn for some hard data. It did not disappoint.Here is what we found.

Inbound Marketing Community of the World

The data for the above infographic was sourced from the LinkedIn Ad management tool. Within the tool, the Znbound team used the ‘Skills’ parameter to determine the numbers.

If you like what you see, do not hesitate to share, share and share.

Team Znbound
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