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3 models to engage an inbound marketing agency

I come from a management consulting background.

No wonder I like ambiguity.

Inbound marketing isn’t different.

Unfortunately, the buy side is unable to see inbound marketing in the same light. Therefore, defined engagement models are necessary to set clear expectations and pricing.

When Znbound (HubSpot Partner) was a newbie (we still are), all engagement models were custom. ‘Scope creep’ was a constant problem. But, over a period of time, thanks to demanding clients and our increasing understanding of the market, we have been able to structure 3 models of engagement. These 3 models have successfully encouraged our clients to think clearly about their objectives.

If you are looking to engage an inbound marketing agency, these 3 engagement models will help you think through the following:

  • Defining the roles and responsibilities of your company and the agency
  • Expectations from the agency
  • Get a direction on how to search for the right agency

3 Engagement Models

Crudely put, here are 3 engagement models that you as a client can delve into while considering an inbound marketing agency.  To a large extent, the nature of the engagement model is a function of the client’s current status quo with inbound marketing.

3 inbound marketing agency engagement models

What do you think of the above table? Are there any models you have come across that I could add to this table.

During my management consulting stint, rough tables like the one above, provided the much needed clarity to think about the solution. It almost always worked out, but not always in the first attempt.

I hope the above table does exactly the same for your situation.

Team Znbound
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