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Becoming an Inbound Marketer

Inbound marketing is quite overwhelming.

My mentor had remarked.

A month ago I joined Znbound with a feigned knowledge of Inbound Methodology. In my year long experience of handling marketing for Pixpa, Inbound marketing and inbound marketer weren’t a term I had put to use often. So naturally, I took the overpowering impact of it lightly.

On a regular basis, I had been actively involved with undertaking Hubspot training session, conducting buyer persona interviews and random discussions with my colleagues on how Inbound would or would not work for an XYZ brand.

However, the overpowering impact it was having on my mind caught my attention when I was finding Inbound in all that I did.

I was going through Seth Godin’s bestseller Purple Cow. His teachings on transforming your business by being remarkable.

While reading it, I realised that Godin is essentially focussing on the same modern marketing paradigm that Inbound Marketing is based on. He urges you to be remarkable – to be a Purple cow to achieve success. He establishes the need to become something phenomenal, something counterintuitive to be successful.

Become a Purple Cow. But Why? To let your customers find you.

His approach, like Inbound Marketing banks on the demand side. To not market for your product but let it market for itself. To not pester customers with your product but rather assist them in their buying processes.

The entire trail of thoughts made me retrospect my cognizance of Marketing.

I realised how marketing was moving from ‘Customer is King’ to ‘Customer is Companion’.

From Supply oriented to Relationship oriented.Inbound Marketing is just this and precisely why a cut above the rest. It moves past the traditional thrifty marketing practices and seeks to build a lasting relationship with your clients.

I realised I was comprehending the “Znbound”, the sacred formula of Inbound Marketing. The teachings in the Hubspot videos, the Inbound Funnel, the Buyer Persona Matrix were all falling into place.

In just a month here at Znbound, I feel somehow Inbounded.

Team Znbound
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