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6 Powerful Ways to Multiply Your Email Subscribers

How to make the people sign up your emails? That’s not a rocket science at all. All you need to read these points to build up an effective email marketing strategy.

Many businesses are still relying on email marketing even when they have social media outlets for promotions. Why? Well, email marketing is cost effective strategy involving sign ups and newsletter to be subscribed by your genuine audience. It makes the potential customer (new subscriber) to be your loyal one as he gets the updates on your services and offers. In this way, e-marketing ensures the visibility and conversion rate. The more subscriptions the better it would be for your business growth and you must focus on Increasing Your Email Open Rate.

That’s why email marketing is still the big thing! But it’s not all that easy to boost up your email subscribers. Most of the businesses’ emails marketing campaigns fail flatly as they lack approach, novelty, personalization, and presentation. As a result, either they are not opened up by existing one or fail to add a potential subscriber.

Obviously, you don’t want your email marketing to end up with the same fate! So, why not try these tips to build up your email subscribers list.

#1 Choosing the Right Sign-up Page Design

The appearance of the form is the first thing that can make or break a relationship with a subscriber. Therefore, you like to keep it engaging, and memorable enough to earn a click from user. First of all, think about the purpose behind it and how it “hit” your audience. Design your newsletter according to it. Make sure the content of your sign up page is rich in benefits, headline and call to action words. Keep These Things in Mind while Designing Opt Page:

  • Your “Submit Button” should changes the color as user roll click over it.
  • Keep the “Sign UP” button big and easy to hit.
  • Make it easy to enter an email address
  • Make sure user doesn’t have to delete the inputs to fill up the info.

#2 A Right Pop Up:

Gone are the days when pop ups were used to be annoying. They are now the most powerful ways to flash an email subscription over the screen. advocates the uses of pop up by saying that they can “increase the sign-ups by 600%.”

You can use overlays, which are the refined forms of the pop ups and appear by making the existing screen dark. Whatever you use, both types are essential for your newsletter to draw user’s attention. Make sure to work on their timings, sizes and AB test.

#3 Get Your Email Shared

“Forward This to Your Family and Friend and win Rewards”

You’ve come across several sentences like this asking you to forward the message. This is the proven strategy to grow your e-mail list by compelling the existing subscribers with rewards and benefits. But it shouldn’t be look like a scam mail.

Make sure your message have a link for composing messages online, as all e-mail programs are not compatible with image and attachment forwarding. Besides, it let you know how many times your newsletter have been forwarded.

#4 Give Them a Reason (Benefit) of Signing Up:

Tweaking your message a bit can earn you a subscriber. Everybody needs a reason to subscribe your newsletter. Instead of saying “Subscribe Our Newsletter” or “Get Our Mail”, you can say “Get Amazing Things Delivered to Your Mailbox Every Day” or “Sign Up and Get Exciting Off”. In other words, ensure them they will get great content, savings and offers on signing up your newsletter.

#5 Use Powerful Words That Sell

To make your sign up page a magnet, use the powerful words like Free, Value, Amazing, Act Now, Never, Save, Instant, Huge and Money Back Guarantee to strengthen your message. So work on your dictionary and find out the most “eyes pulling” words along with the reasons.

#6 Try QR Codes!

They not only respond quickly but they can make the user do so. QR Codes can be scanned with the smartphone to detect their information including a web page, URL, and product info. They can be placed anywhere, from newspaper to the stickers. The best thing about QR codes is that you don’t need a computer or digital devices for that. Just place it on visiting card or items you provide and they will take the users to your “Sign Up” page on being scanned by their smartphone. QR Codes can be one of the major breakthroughs in upcoming e-mail marketing scenario.

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