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4 Roadblocks of Facebook Lead Ads

Since my last blog on Facebook Lead Ads I have generated 1521 leads with the awesome Znbound team.

The journey has been adventurous and the learning has been immense. Yes, there have been roadblocks on the way. And I am sharing a few…

While working with lead ads there were some limitations

I would like to point out those with a hope that Zuckerberg gets rid of these soon. So here I begin…….

Desktop Placement

Absence of desktop placement is the biggest roadblock in Facebook Lead Ads. Do you know Lead Ads are only mobile specific?

Therefore, I was not able to reach desktop audience which resulted in lead loss. For e.g. if my total audience size is 200,000 then this will come down to 150,000 (mobile audience) and I will not be able reach 50,000 (desktop audience).

I am anxiously waiting for the moment when I will be able to reach desktop audience.

Video Ads

Facebook doesn’t let you use a video for lead ads.

When I was trying to upload video into lead ads, the failure gave me a heartbreak. Because before facebook lead generation ads I had used various other Facebook ad options like ‘website click ads’ which do provide video options. Video ads attract audience relatively better as compared to a creative or an image.

It has been predicted that by 2020 Facebook will mostly have videos, at least then they will have to allow videos in lead ads. (Mark Zuckerberg – Are you listening?)

Less CTA options

Facebook Lead Ads

CTAs are integral to the success of any ad campaign. But, Facebook lead ads provide you with only 6 CTA options, and not all of them are relevant.

So, if you are going to launch an ad and your ad content does not match the CTA options then you will have to change your ad content.

Yes, Your ad content and not the CTA.

Facebook does not provide you the option to create your own CTA and I think Facebook must introduce one so that everyone can create CTAs relevant to their ad.

Facebook can learn something from Twitter. (I am a big fan of twitter lead ads)

CRM Integration

Last but certainly not the least.

Leads is the main objective behind every inbound marketing ad campaign, but there is no marketing automation as Facebook makes you download leads manually that too without any lead notification. This is a very painful process.

Facebook does provide integrations to some CRM such as Driftrock, Marketo, Maropost, Oracle Marketing Cloud, Sailthru, and Salesforce but not HubSpot. There are more integrations available, usually paid like Leadsbridge and Zapier.

Facebook – Please learn from Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO) again 😛

But Facebook is working to expand the list of integrated marketing platforms in the coming months (This is what their support says).

Guess, lets just wait for that.

What roadblocks have you faced with Facebook Lead Ads? Tell me all about it. Use comments below.

Team Znbound
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